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Uncle Stumpy's Blog
New Canadian Internet regulations 
Posted on February 1, 2011 at 09:12 PM.
Can someone help explain to me how this will affect us Canadian gamers?
# 1 RUFFNREADY @ Feb 2
Right now you / we canadians pay for our usage through our ISP's which are all capped at a certain LIMIT. The law that is trying to be passed is going to try and open up the "UNLIMITED" usage with no cap on the bandwith, through any ISP of your choice. The larger ISP are trying to stop the bill from being passed, and they have one more shot to stop it, before it goes through. The "good"; is that bandwith in the gaming world will have no limits on what you want to download without going over a cap and getting extra charges on your bill; now the "bad" is that ISP pricing will inflate let about 10 fold; so you are now paying a small fortune for uncapped, unlimited bandwith of your choice; from what i gather. Hope that helped

Michael Geist - report/blog
"The Government's Review of Usage Based Billing: What Should Come Next
Yesterday was a remarkable day for those following the usage based billing and bandwidth cap issue. In the span of 24 hours, an unlikely political consensus emerged that left little doubt that - at a minimum - the CRTC's UBB decision will be reconsidered. Prime Minister Harper expressed his concern with the decision, Industry Minister Tony Clement hinted at overturning the decision, and both the Liberals and NDP expressed strong support for overturning the decision. Groups like the Canadian Network Operators Consortium, which represent dozens of independent ISPs, wrote to Clement to call for cabinet to reconsider all the CRTC's UBB decisions and even the Canadian Federation of Independent Businesses wrote to express its concern about the impact on Canadian small businesses. An Industry Committee hearing on UBB will apparently begin on Thursday.

With Clement indicating that a decision will be forthcoming by March 1st, there is just one month for cabinet to address the issue. So what comes next?"
# 2 RUFFNREADY @ Feb 2
i don't think i was way off in answering back to your question; but for more info on this topic, go to this site:
that's where i found most of my info.
Great topic Uncle Stumpy.
# 3 Uncle Stumpy @ Feb 2
Thanks guys, I appreciate it.
Uncle Stumpy
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